Certificate of Analysis for CBD Tincture For Batch #s: 1001-1005
Name of Product: CBD Tincture
Batch Number: 1001 Expiration Date: 2/15/2025
Manufactured, Packaged, and Distributed by: Mindful Yoga Project LLC. 111 Church Hill Rd. Sandy Hook, CT 06482. (917) 267-8203
Total Cannabinoids:
Name of Product: CBD Tincture
Batch Number: 1001 Expiration Date: 2/15/2025
Manufactured, Packaged, and Distributed by: Mindful Yoga Project LLC. 111 Church Hill Rd. Sandy Hook, CT 06482. (917) 267-8203
Total Cannabinoids:
Warning: Children, or those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid using this product prior to consulting with a health care professional concerning this product's safety. Products containing cannabinoids should be kept out of reach of children. The federal Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated this product for safety or efficacy.